Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This morning I woke up to find that my muscles are really angry with me. Yeah I was sore yesterday, but that was nothing compared to what my legs feel now. Ouch is all I have to say. I think the only thing that will help at this point is lots of stretching and lots of moving around.

On a lighter note, one of the girls that is already in the league, but not on a team, got all of her gear stolen out of her car last week. Sad day indeed because just your normal decent pair of skates is about $100 and that doesn’t even include all of the padding you need. So all the girls she practices with took up a collection and gave her money for new skates! All together now, awwwwe! Everyone always thinks that derby girls are this rough and tumble group of girls, but they have great hearts and big love for each other.

Hearing this story only fuels my passion to get in the league this year. Getting back in the skates tonight to workout those hurten muscles!

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